As of 1/15/23, I will no longer be releasing svp/ust's for songs without official off vocals publicly.

Files I have uploaded prior will remain up unless requested to be taken down by the producer


I am willing to share these ust/svp's privately via Twitter dm or email (see contact page) under the assumption of good faith.

If I see these files being redistributed even once I will no longer share them publicly OR privately



猫に哲学 / Philosophy For A Cat

イニシエノウタ運命 / song of the ancients

Light Falls (yuxuki waga)

Blue Flow (heart of air)

MUGS (Fullkawa Honpo)

boys (Parsley Onuma)

Light A Candle (ryuryu)

鏡面の波 / kyoumen no nami

レイト・ショーにおいで / Late ・ Show ni oiide

みちしるべ / Michishirube (tv size)

地球をあげる / This Earth, for You

世界が透き通ってゆく / the world glows vividly

まっかだな / a deep red

ice (whoo)

つきをみた / I saw the moon

Mathematics / 2018 ver

loneliness (tenohira)

17の思想 / 17th thought

darling in the sky (granvia)

Prayer x (king gnu) !

スーパー・ノヴァ / Supernova

妄葬少女 / delusion girl

Counterclockwise (ryuryu)

学校を休んだ日のこと / The day I was absent from school

灰色の水曜日 / Gray Wednesday

A love song (its too clumsy) (yuxuki waga)

オルテンシア / Ortensia

This love will not be successful (Baker)

a l m o s t b u t n o t (kingyo and ze)

サンキュー虚無感 / Thank you emptiness

昏迷の味 / The Taste of Unconsciousness

ラストソング / Last Song

みらいへと / to the future

蛍光灯 / fluorescent lamp

girls, dance, staircase (Kensuke Ushio and Naoko Yamada) !

たそがれのステーション / Twilight Station

Ashes of Dreams (Keiichi Okabe) !

アルカディアの継ぎびと / The Heritors of Arcadia

アスパラガス / Asparagus

東京最終廃棄地帯 / Tokyo saishu haiki chitai

裏表ラバーズ / Ura-omote Lovers (adlib ver)

渚のバカンス / Seaside Vacation !

Fall (wintermute)

Welcome to Zunderground (Ael)

感情ハッキング / Hacking the Spirit

かくれんぼ / hide and seek * !

夢見がちな彼女 / Dreamer girl !

ヒドゥン / Hidden *

Space Song (Beach House) * !

ロスタルジー  / Lostalgie

懺悔録 / Zangeroku *

Parades *

よろめき / Yoromeki

Queueue bloomed in the underground Aug1844. (ゆにP) !


ギプスとセカイ / gips and the world

音のない部屋の中で / Inside a Silent Room *

アートマン動物園 (atman zoo) *

電気羊の夢 (Dream of Electric Sheep)

新興宗教 (New Cult)

鉄錆の雨と篝火 (Iron, Rust, Rain, and Bonfire) *

やる気がない (No Motivation) *

あたしじゃない (That isn't me)

天使じゃないよ (i'm no angel)



all these usts have lyrics inserted but are otherwise unfinished (half tuned/no tuning)

liekki (yukkedoluce) 

BO-ZU (emon.)